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Saturday, 03 June 2023 05:35

394 Components Dual Pry

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When looking for a EDC pry bar there are many things to consider. How do you want to carry it, what size do you need and of what material. Pry tools come in just about every shape and size and it makes searching somewhat daunting.

If you're looking for something in the heavy-duty category, look no further than the Dual Pry by 394 Components. 394 Components is in its infancy right now: barely been around a year. The owner is a Mechanical Engineer by trade with a background in automation and product design and development. As such he tends to be constantly designing "things" in his head and typically drifts towards tools and being a hands-on person. His ethos for design is to not simply copy what is out there, but to create new and different designs and variations - as shown with the Dual Pry.

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When you want a heavy-duty pry bar you need to go with something a little on the larger side and robust enough to take a beating. The Dual Pry comes in at 4.75 inches long and is made of hardened steel. The Dual Pry is comprised of two sperate pry tools. The main pry bar is a traditionally styled pry bar for general prying. The second pry tool is angled and more profiled so it can get into those hard-to-reach places.

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The two halves are joined together with a bolt that has a lock nut on the other side. Having the two different pry bar surfaces in the same tool is absolute genius. I've used the standard pry end to separate slats of wood from pallets and lift a heavy wooden display off the floor so we could get a jack under it. The finger end of the pry is nice and thin so it's been used for things I couldn't do with the other pry end. When the tool is extended, I was able to fish things out a crack where I couldn't get my hand into. Also, I was building a shelving end cap and one shelf was bent and didn't want to go into place. I was able to take finger end and push the shelving tab where it needed to go. This would not have been possible if I had used the other end due to its size.

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The hooked ends angle is great for getting into those tight places. Both ends have a pretty thin pry edge, but the aggressive angle of the finger makes getting in those areas a little easier. In spite of the smaller pry being against the grain of the steel rather than with it; I haven't seen any issues.

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The Dual Pry comes with an integral pocket clip. I felt the clip was comfortable riding on either my left or my right. I usually carried on my left so the nut would face the outside and not against me. I don't know if this would compromise the strength of the pivot, but I would love to see something like a Chicago screw used. That way the pivot would be comfortable on either end.

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There is an included 1/4-inch hex hole in both tools which are aligned when folded. It fits a standard screwdriver bit, but I don't know if I would ever use it due to there not being a way to store the bit.

The Dual Pry is a tool I had honestly never seen attempted before and it's nice to see someone thinking outside of the box. I feel the tool would be great for tradesmen or any person who needs a pry that needs no backup. I hope to see more innovation out of 394 and look forward to what they cook up in the future.

David Bowen

As Co Founder of Multitool.org David has been a multitool enthusaist since the 90's.  David has always been fascinated with the design inginuity and uselfulness of multitools.

David is always looking forward to what's new in the industry and how the humble multitool continues to evolve as it radically changes and improves the lives of users.

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